Please call the church office at 513-984-8400 or email if you are interested in participating in any activities listed below.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
May & June
May 11, 2013-- Drive-thru Blessing of the Bikes & IPM collection (more details to come)
Food, Personal Care Products and Clothing Collection continues each Sunday
with Inter Parish Minstry
July & August
Back to School Backpack Program Collection
Food, Personal Care Products and Clothing Collection continues each Sunday
with Inter Parish Ministry
Food, Personal Care Products and Clothing Collection continues each Sunday
with Inter Parish Minstry
Drive-Through Blessing of the Animals (click here to see 2012 photos)
and Canned Food Drive 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Food, Personal Care Products and Clothing Collection continues each Sunday
with Inter Parish Ministry
November 2013
Thanksgiving Meals donation
Holiday Adopt a Family Program
Food, Personal Care Products and Clothing Collection continues each Sunday
December 2013
Dec. 16th Rejoice Sunday 10:00 a.m. and 11:40 a.m. A special service of lessons and music reminding us of the prophecies and stories around the birth of Our Lord.
Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:00 p.m. with special music, designed to be family-friendly
Toy Store & Holiday Adopt a Family Programs
Looking for Space for a Meeting or Special Event?
Holy Trinity offers several large meeting rooms for gatherings. Contact the Parish Administrator.