Holy Trinity Mission Council, under the leadership of the Priest-in-Charge and the Wardens, represents the parishioners and the various ministries within the parish and works in close collaboration to support the Church’s mission, vision and goals.
The leadership of Holy Trinity is truly a friendly team of dedicated and caring folks whose personalities are as diverse as our church. We like to think it's part of what makes Holy Trinity so unique.
Members of Holy Trinity Mission Council are:
The Rev. Theresa J. Thornton, Priest-in-Charge
Dave West, Senior Warden
Barry Feist, Junior Warden,
Rev. Dcn. Kenneth G. Clarke, Deacon
Robert Clark, Mission Council, Finance
Jeff Jacobs, Mission Council, Secretary
Chip Vielhauer, Mission Council,
Holy Trinity Staff:
The Rev. Theresa J. Thornton, Priest-in-Charge
The Rev. Kenneth G. Clarke, Deacon
Robert Hurd, Organist
Brian Batchelor Glader, Organist
Please call the church office at 513-984-8400 or email holytrinitykenwood.org to contact any member of the staff.