Donations & Endowments

Holy Trinity welcomes and appreciates your support of our ministry and work. . There are several opportunities to help Holy Trinity achieve its goal: You can donate your time to one of our ministries, participate in any of our fund raising opportunities (see below), or consider making a monetary donation or Endowment.

Your donation will also be reflected on your quarterly and annual statements. Your personal and financial information will never be shared or sold. Pledges call also be submitted through the Pledge Card.


Holy Trinity Endowments members and friends the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy to the church in support of its goals and purposes. Just as annual stewardship giving is a chance to return to God a portion of our annual income, contributions to the endowment provide a means to share the accumulated gifts which God provides us as a long-term support for the church's ministry.

Holy Trinity appreciates gifts from wills, trusts, and bequests and invests such gifts to preserve and grow the fund principle, using the earnings prudently for designated purposes. The purpose of our Fund is to support and strengthen the mission of our church. Typical allocations of the fund include:

· Outreach/Mission

· Local Benevolence

· Community Service

· Congregational Support

· Special Needs and Programs within the Church

· Capital Improvements

· Member Development

· Education and Scholarships

Please call the church office at 513-984-8400 or email if you are interested in participating in any activities listed below.

© HTCKenwood 2011