Liturgy & Worship

Join us each Sunday either at 10:00 a.m. for our Traditional service,followed by Hospitality, or at 11:40 a.m. for our Casual Family Fellowship service.

Both services include the Holy Eucharist, or as it is also known, “The Lord’s Supper,” “Holy Communion,” or “The Mass.” Our worship is “liturgical,” which means that the congregation follows the same service and prays from texts that don’t change very much from week to week during a season of the year. Our services follow the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer. If you’re familiar with the Roman Catholic liturgy, or the liturgy of any mainline Protestant Church (Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist), our liturgy will be somewhat familiar to you.

Eucharist always has the same components. It begins with the Liturgy of the Word , which is praise of God through singing and prayers. It is followed by the Liturgy of the Table, when the priest blesses the bread and wine and offers it to the congregation, as the “gifts of God for the People of God.” The congregation then shares the bread and the wine.

Because we believe Eucharist is the sacred "gift of God for the people of God" all baptized Christians, regardless of age or denomination, are welcome at our table. Visitors who are not yet baptized Christians are welcome to pray with us, and come forward during communion to receive the blessing from a priest or deacon.

Our Family Worship service is a blend of traditional and contemporary worship with a family-friendly, casual atmosphere. Children are welcome and can participate. The service is open to all generations and lasts about 45 minutes.

If you are interested in any of the following Liturgical or Worship opportunities, please contact the Church Office at 513-984-8400 or email the Parish Administrator at


Consider assisting the clergy on the altar and carrying the crucifix or candles during the procession.

Altar Flowers

Donate altar flowers for Sunday services to commemorate a special occasion or in memory of a loved one which will be listed on that day's bulletin.

Altar Guild

Be part of a team to prepare and clean up the Altar for Holy Eucharist on Sunday mornings. Your commitment is only one Sunday per month, or as many as you'd like

Choirs & Music

Interested in starting or leading a choral group or bell choir? Your special music talents are welcome as Holy Trinity is in a rebuilding year and would like to form groups to more fully participate in Sunday service. Come and join us on Holy Days and other special church occasions.

Eucharistic Ministers

Help assist the clergy on the altar and administer the chalice during communion.


Consider being a part of the service by reading select bible passages during the lessons in the liturgy, according to a regularly established schedule.


Be part of the service by assisting with the flow of worship and presenting the offering and the sacraments during the holy communion

The Episcopal Church

Holy Trinity is a parish of the Episcopal Church, which is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the churches around the world that trace their roots to the Church of England, and maintain a “communion” with it, hence the name “Anglican.” 

“Episcopal” means “bishop” in Greek, and the Episcopal Church is governed in part by its bishops. The basic unit of ministry in the Episcopal Church is the “diocese”. Holy Trinity is a parish in the Diocese of Southern Ohio, which is home to 30,000 Episcopalians in 80 parishes across Southern Ohio. 

Episcopalians are both Catholic and Protestant, in that we embrace aspects of both traditions. We honor our roots in the ancient, apostolic and universal Church, yet we do not recognize a centralized teaching authority as do Roman Catholics. We affirm the historic Reforms of the 16th Century yet we belive in the real presence of Christ in Holy Eucharist, also called "Communion", or the "Mass".

Interchange - The Interchange is other is source of news from the Diocese of Southern Ohio. It is a monthly newspaper that is mailed to all members of the Diocese.

Archive of Interchanges (copies of the Interchange as far back as 2004

© HTCKenwood 2011