The most important thing that happens on Sunday morning is building of community through worship and formation. The most important thing we can do is show up and participate. Spiritual formation refers to the life-long process of transformation into the likeness of Christ.
Holy Trinity is committed to providing a consistent, quality, reliable and safe learning environment for our children and those of our visitors and guests.
We offer preschool childcare during worship service on Sundays and major holidays.
Children always are welcome to be part of the worship service. We believe that Christian nurturing is vital to the growth and development of all children and we work to provide opportunities to build Christian relationships in an environment in which children can develop their faith. We believe that children aren't the 'church of tomorrow,' they're the Church of Today!
Our call at Holy Trinity is to offer the breadth and depth of opportunities to meet those varied adult education and spiritual growth needs. We are continually challenged to find innovative and interesting ways to help members and friends build their relationship with Jesus.
Holy Trinity is also committed to Community and Church Service projects, Summer Mission Trips, Retreats, Concerts, fun social and outreach events.
If you are interested in Church School and/or Nursery information, please contact the Church Office at 513-984-8400 or email the Parish Administrator at