Ministries & Programs

If you are interested in any of our Ministry opportunities, please contact the Church Office at 513-984-8400 or email the Parish Administrator at

InterParish Ministry

Holy Trinity is developing a strong outreach program with InterParish Ministry (IPM), joining more than 35 other churches to provide food, clothing and other communal support to those in need and to empower clients with information, support and services to improve their lives. Serving low income, needy families in eastern Hamilton County and all of Clermont County for 48 years. Programs Holy Trinity in involved in include:

Emergency Assistance -Helping through times of crisis by supplying food, clothing and other needs as appropriate.

Choice Food & Clothing Pantry - Provides food, personal care products and seasonal clothing year round to those in need by bringing in donations each Sunday.

Back to School Backpacks and School Supplies - Annual program in July to assist families with required school supplies for their children.

Holy Trinity Drive-Thru Blessing of the Animals - Held the first Saturday in October this event gives back to the community and includes a collection of food and personal care products for IPM Pantries. See 2012 programs photos here

Thanksgiving Dinners - Holy Trinity is proud to provide full Thanksgiving meals, including the turkey and all the fixings to those in need through IPM.

Holiday Adopt-a-Family & Toy Store Programs - Making the holidays brighter for area low-income families.

New in 2013

Drive Thru Ashs to Go - Rev. Terri will be distributing ashes and a prayer on Ash Wednesday, February 13th. During this time she will also be collecting nonperishable food and personal care items for IPM. Look for more details to come.

Holy Trinity Drive-Thru Blessing of the Bikes - Held the Spring this event will give back to the community with a focus on Bike Safety and includes collection of food and personal care products for IPM Pantries.

© HTCKenwood 2011