What's New at Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity invites you to join us for our Casual Family Worship Service at 11:40 a.m. Our Family Worship service is a blend of traditional and contemporary worship with a family-friendly, casual atmosphere. Children are welcome and encouraged to participate. The service is open to all generations and lasts about 45 minutes. Brian Batchelor Glader is our Family Worship organist and music director.

Mother Terri's Sermons are now online.

We hope you'll listen. Check out the Sermons tab in the header!

Save the Date!

Saturday, May 11, 2013 we'll be having the Drive (or Bike) Thru Blessing of the Bikes! We'll be blessing anything on wheels, motorized or not. Start off your outdoor life with a bit of grace!

It was a HIT!

On October 6th HT launched our inaugural Blessings of the Animals and IPM Pantry drive which was very well accepted in the community. Look for additional upcoming programs in 2013!

See all 2012 event photo's here.

In July HT donated 10 fully loaded backpacks to IPM 'Back to School' program and was featured in the IPM September Newsletter on page 2. See article here.

Thanksgiving and Christmas with InterParish Ministries off to a great start!

HTC collected enough fixings and turkeys to provide more than 25 meals to IPM. And, for Christmas we've adopted 4 familes for gifts and meals!

We are thankful that all the staff at ERD, which is located in Manhatten are safe. And, despite being in the center of the disaster zone and suffering damage to their own homes, they are doing all they can to expedite relief efforts.

© HTCKenwood 2011