Weddings, Baptisms & Special Occasions

We're here to support you on your spiritual journey, whether it be a Baptism, Celebration of a Life (Funeral) or the Blessing of a Marriage. All are important steps in our life with God and journey of faith. We welcome all, wherever they are on that journey, and being Episcopalian isn't required...just a desire to make God the center of their lives


Making your commitment to love someone and share your life together before God and in the presence of your family and faith community creates a unique bond we call Christian Marriage. In the Episcopal Church we believe that Marriage is a covenantal relationship between the couple and God...and with a community of faith. We witness that covenant and the priest blesses it. A covenant establishes a relationship between God and humans and is a response to God's grace to us. Beginning your journey together with God at the core is a wonderful gift to each other. If you are interested in finding out more about being married at Holy Trinity, or are thinking about getting married, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Being Episcopalian or a member of our parish is not required.


Baptism is the entry into the Body of Christ. In Baptism we receive the same Spirit that Jesus received and that empowered him. In it we are accepted as His brothers and sisters. It's a crucial moment in our lives, a moment when we make that commitment to share in the life of Christ and His commitment to God. We become part of God's universal community of faith. That's why Episcopalians believe in infant Baptism. Children should not be left out of that life and commitment! They should grow up in the knowledge and love of God as full members of that community, and as we say during a Baptism, "marked as Christ's own forever." If you have a child to be Baptized, or are an adult looking for a life in the Spirit of God, feel free to contact [email protected].

In Celebration of a Life (Funerals)

The Episcopal Church believes that our journey with God doesn't end with our death in this world. We celebrate the life of our loved ones among us and the promise of our continued life with God through the salvation brought to us through Jesus Christ. If you are facing end-of-life decisions, or seeking comfort in the promise of the Resurrection at the death of a loved one, we are here to help you. Contact [email protected].

Meeting & Celebrations

Have a special occasion? Need a space to hold a meeting? Holy Trinity has space available for community groups and individuals. Contact the Parish Administrator for more information.

© HTCKenwood 2011